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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 25 2009

Totally immersing myself in being the Media Man and it seems to be working -;) Like attracts like and I seem to be putting out some good vibes. Its not perfect, but its working.

Got some good ideas for the next radio show and I'm really looking forward to the April 2 show.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 10 2009

Time to stop being a magpie and following every shiny penny that I see. The path is there for me-
I am the Media Man. I love it. I'm good at it and can make quite a good living at it, coupled with the development of EZMedia (monkeymedia??) which will then allow me to work on Layover, One More Line , Dreamcatchers and Bug Boy. Enough with pouring all of my energy into OTHERS dreams...this is about ME!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

March 7 2009

Just had some real revelations about where I'm going. I have to ask myself WHY am I spending all this time and energy and NO MONEY on other's dreams when I have my own goals and dreams ??? It's time to get down to brass tacks, make money and make what I want to happen happen. I'm 44 yrs old and right now it's about me and my family. To hell with everybody else.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 3 2009

Constant struggle between what I would like to be doing, right now-and the tasks that need to be done to make money so we can eat. What are the projects I feel passionate about and want to see happen:

Layover-I think it still has some legs. Could I make it webisodes?Goal: Plan by Mar 31
Bug Boy-there is real potential with that. First step-A concept to work from. Goal: Idea by Mar 15
Dreamcatchers-Another animation project for TV. Need to reread and give suggestions to Annie.
Past Life Regression Docu-reality: Write out concept Goal: Mar 15

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 1 2009

This is where I'll post frustrations, hopes, dreams, aggravations, etc..
Starting with the ongoing anxiety about my health. Monday I'll be having a cardiac stress test. Don't think its my heart that has been giving me the chest, back and arm pain-but if that's not it, then WHAT is it?? Feels like a nerve and muscle is being pinched + compressed...

Starting to feel like I'm coming out of this mode of working hard and making no money. Should I have a business plan or model?? Have to say YES yet I never seem to have the time to do it.