Checking in at Starbucks, the gym, office max, train stations, a tapas bar in Buenos Aires-what is all this about. It's free and fun foursquare my friends, and here's a primer on what it is and how it works:
Foursquare is a hybrid of friend finder, social media application and a city guide. It allows you to check in anywhere in the world, give comments about what you're doing and give tips about your location ( 'be sure to try the crab legs', 'this place has the worst bathrooms', )
Win points and badges by checking in at new and interesting places-you can even become the Mayor by having the most checkins at one of your locations. Download the app to your IPhone, Blackberry and Android.
Link it to your Twitter and Facebook streams and now your family, friends and enemies will know where you are every minute of the day.