The FCC recently passed the net neutrality rules that basically dictates how phone and cable companies treat the ever increasing amount of web traffic. This prevents cable providers from restricting broadband access to competitors. Sounds like it would be beneficial for everyone involved, right. Consumers can get the content they would like from where ever they'd like and producers can distribute on multiple platforms.
Not so fast.
What this is really about is charging more for usage and downloads. Comcast, Time Warner, Cox and any other carriers that have a bundled plan charge everyone roughly the same to watch the content on TV and to download music and videos via broadband access.
Now the service providers will have the opportunity to charge more for heavier usage. Want to watch the YouTube video from Aunt Sally-that will be $5,00. Need to access some videos from the New York Public Library for your daughter's social studies project-$10.00. And that's not all. This will impact writers, producers and other creative development professionals that make a living through the power of TV and on line entertainment. The Writers Guild of America East was recently quoted as saying, " our members write most of what people watch on TV and increasingly, on line. This ruling diminishes their ability to create and distribute innovative content." And the opponents extend to both private and public sectors.
Commissioner Robert McDowell commented in a Wall Street Journal article that, " this is an unprecedented step to expand government reach into the internet by attempting to regulate its inner workings." Many watch dog groups, including the Electronic Frontier Foundation have cause for concern.
No one knows for sure exactly where this is going. But you can bet that at some point it will affect your wallet.
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