Saturday, December 19, 2009
Media Bites-December 19
After my recent interview with Rev Dr. Tim Coombs on Blog Talk Radio ( I continued to ponder on some of the issues we touched on-
1. Why have we as a society decided it is more appropriate to use the phrase 'Happy Holidays'? As Tim pointed out and I have to agree, that really means nothing to me. Especially here in the northeast as it appears that we are asking people to celebrate Winter.
2. I have wished my Jewish friends 'Happy Hanukkah' and in turn they have said 'Merry Christmas' to me and my family and guess what, neither one of us was offended.
3. Rather than discourage the production of shows such as 'Vampire Diaries', 'Supernatural' and 'Moonlight', or movies similar to 'New Moon' , 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince'-should we not encourage them to continue as they allow spiritual exploration, questions to be asked and curiosity about religion, faith and an afterlife to be pondered.
4. Finally, should we not welcome difference of opinion and media choices?
Friday, December 4, 2009
Media Post-December 4 2009
Ratings delivery in broadcast TV have seen a rapid decline in the the last 30 years. During the 1979-80 TV season, the top shows were 'M*A*S*H', 'Three's Company' and 'That's Incredible' with a household rating of 21.7. In the 2009-2010 season, the best of the best delivered a 13.0 household rating, a 41% decline in ratings which equates to less viewers and that means fewer consumers actually see your message if its on broadcast TV.
TV as we know it will not survive if it does not continue to evolve. Phil Leigh, of Inside Digital Media says 'whether its a monitor for video games, DVD player or laptop computer, the TV set is just a window into the Internet cloud.' And many new technologies are making it easier to hit that cloud and bypass the standard delivery format. In Q1 2009, there were 31 million TV households with a DVR, according to Mediabrands research, that number should surpass 51 million by 2014. Now I don't know about you, but you'd have to pry that DVR out of my hands.
Additionally, video streams increased to over 104.3 billion (yes billion) between January and October 2009 and Hulu had 583.2 million downloads in September 2009. Social media has also pulled consumers away from the set to watch friends, shows and dogs doing stupid things in a pool. According to Nielsen research, on-line video streams on social media sites has increased over 45%.
New gadgets are making their way into homes including Blu-Ray, Roku and Apple TV that stream movies and other content, but you may soon be watching your favorite episodes of 'Glee' and 'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia' as well. And at Best Buy you can pick up an Internet connected TV with CinemaNow, giving users the ability to download movies. Other services like Zillion TV and Epix are developing similar technologies to give the users much more control.
The ultimate goal is a TV that streams quality content, lets me record shows or movies, play games, respond to ads I'm interested in, surf the web and work out all through one console. Hang on world, the future is upon us.
(source Crain Communications, Ad Age Nov 30 2009)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Media Bites-November 24 2009
The latest details emerging make me scratch my shaved head and wonder where is all of this going.
First, News Corp is bent on having indexed articles removed from Google listings. According to a recent article in (, Murdoch states that " free content devalues the work and that indexing on Google News is stealing."
Now lets add Microsoft to the mix-word is that Bing is considering paying publishers to list their content on the search engine.
Seems to me the main objective here is that News Corp is making an attempt to force Google to pay newspapers and other publishers for content. Google claims to send news organizations 100,000 clicks per minute and does it because publishers want to be found-and if the pub doesn't want to be listed, they aren't. Google has the economy of scale to resist any pressure from outside sources so removing the indexed articles will not have large scale effect on their revenue.
So who is going to be cashing in if this little scenario plays out? You guessed it: publishers.
They will receive revenue from Bing. Murdoch will now have a dual revenue stream for all News Corp websites as the company will get payment for listing and payment for content subscriptions. Next, we'll see other struggling publications attempting that. And why wouldn't they? If a powerhouse like News Corp can do it, why can't they?
What on the surface could appear as a life raft for some print publications will actually quicken their demise. You're not listed on Google? Oh, I have to pay to access the news I need? What, there's a subscription cost to get to the news listings on Bing? See ya. Plenty of other local and national websites that will give me the news when I want it and not ask me to pay for it.
Its all about consuming news whenever and wherever I want. And by the way, I'm not interested in paying for it.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Media Bites-November 23 2009
In my opinion, anything that allows me to consume media when, where and how I want it is a threat to the current broadcast model. Wouldn't it make much more sense to embrace change, develop technologies and produce programming that makes me want to spend time watching?
If Time Warner Cable can develop TV Everywhere beta that lets me watch premium pay per view content on my laptop and Comcast can launch a similar version, as well as a local sports VOD, why can't NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX and the CW do the same?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Media Bites-Nov 16 2009

Tired of cable or satellite? If you live in the City of the Angels, starting today you'll have a new option: Sezmi.( Here's the skinny-Sezmi transmits cable networks through digital TV frequencies that they have leased from local broadcasters. Users install two pieces of equipment that the company is calling a 'smart reception system' that brings in over the air programming and the Internet, as well as a set top 'digital media player' that sends the programming to a TV screen or records it for later consumption. Customers can opt to lease the equipment (cost unknown) or purchase for $299.00.
During the trial for a monthly fee of $5.00 you can see local broadcast, Internet channels and some pay-per-view services. For $20 more you'll have access to over 100 cable channels. As a consumer, I'm all over this concept. As a customer of an unnamed cable company, I'm paying $135 for bundled services ( cable, Internet and phone) and we rarely go that far up the digital tier. The Sezmi model would have my monthly costs at $25.00 for the service, $40 for Internet (cable carrier)and $30 for phone (Vonage or similar). In times like these every penny counts and I'd take the $40 savings. Now, in fairness, what you'd be giving up are: 24/7 customer service.
Not only is Sezmi competitively priced for users, it has a distinct advantage over other TV-over-the-internet companies: it can offer networks a percentage of subscription fees , in addition to a revenue share from advertising. At this point in time, that's something a platform like Hulu can't offer yet; but that could all change with the proposed Comcast/NBCU merger.
(source: LA Times, Jon Healy. Images from Sezmi)
Friday, November 6, 2009
Media Bites-November 6 2009
(1) During the last week of October, several TV station group owners reported third quarter revenue declines: Meredith (-13%), LIN TV (-18%), and McGraw Hill (-24). (Claire Atkinson-Nov 1 Broadcasting & Cable)
(2) Comcast is oppressively pursuing the purchase of NBC Universal and many executives expect the deal to close within the next 12-18 months, even with the sticky issue of Vivendi not yet relinquishing its 20% stake in NBC Universal. The Wall Street rumor on this deal is that Comcast may sell off the NBC Network and station groups to a third party.
(3) News Corp is also on the M&A hunt, bidding on Cox Communications 65% stake in Travel Channel, renaming it to National Geo Traveler. Fuel TV, the youth oriented net may also be sold off in the process.
Mergers, acquisitions and sell offs should all be viewed in a positive light for both consumers and advertisers. Networks and TV groups that are struggling could be revived and reinvented as part of a larger media organization, offering more selection, better programming and greater promotional opportunities. Additionally, alternative viewing platforms such as Hulu, Fancast, ZillionTV, TV Everwhere and now even ITunes, will have a more expansive market as viewers may elect to watch their favorite shows on their desktop, as well as on the set-top.Its hoped, and the preliminary research is proving it true, that if viewers tune in via an alternate platform, they will also sample the show during its time slot or via DVR or other device.
And according to a recent AP interview, Comcast CEO noted, ' I've been saying for a long time that I think video over the internet is more friend than foe.'
How great that would be if all of the parties could work together to deliver quality programming to viewers when they wanted and how they wanted it, subscription models that benefit consumers and programmers and advertiser friendly opportunities that make money for all.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Media Bites-October 27 2009
Content streamed to my TV via the internet connection, I choose how I want it, when I want it and what ads I see. What a concept-media delivered to me when I want to get and programming I choose to receive. I may have to drop the cable provider when this launches.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Media Bites-October 16 2009
The deal for Comcast to buy 51% of NBC Universal is just about wrapped up and the word is stil out on whether Vivendi will divest its 20% stake in NBC Universal.
Comcast subscribers total over 24 million and contribute to more than half of the company's 2009 revenue. The reasoning behind this deal all points back to viewing of content or as Brian Roberts, Comcast CEO calls 'cable bypass'-canceling their subscriptions and gravitating towards on line viewing platforms. The way around that is to prevent posting content on the internet, fee for content or accessing the content by proving users already subscribe to a pay TV service (TV Everywhere) Once this deal is complete, Comcast would hold the most TV assets worldwide including a percentage of the NBC broadcast network, Telemundo, USA, Bravo, MSNBC and CNBC.
To complete the deal that Comcast wants, Vivendi,( the French media and telecommunication company must shed 20% of its ownership in NBC Universal. Vivendi has until Nov 15 to notify one of its media partners GE, on whether they will sell any interest in NBC Universal.
It would be great if this entertainment merger and acquisition resulted in better quality programming, reduced subscription rates and innovative viewing technologies. It should since Comcast ( control most of the content and production currently airing. Stay tuned as this will not be the end of TV consolidation, there will be much more to come that will hopefully make a positive impact on they way TV is delivered and consumed.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Media Bites-October 8 2009
After meeting with a local print publication recently who informed me that they would now be charging a penny to access online stories- and after News Corp chair Rupert Murdoch stated most of the FOX properties will move to paid content, I wanted to keep beating this drum and ask will consumers be willing to pay for content?
I keep coming back to the same answer: only if there is real value in it at that moment for you.
All media properties are on a quest to develop additional revenue streams without diluting their core products or worse, having consumers cancel subscriptions and suffer further losses. A recent LA Times article noted that Soleil Securities calculated that every viewer that alters their viewing habits, choosing web over TV is forfeiting $920 in annual ad revenue and that Disney, Fox and NBC subsidize $33 million in losses at Hulu which is offset by only $123 million in ad dollars. The skyrocketing cost of producing all forms of TV advertising is underwritten by the $22 billion in cable and satellite subscription fees but it is not enough revenue to generate a profit. The answer seems to be a slow migration to pay for online content access.
Which brings it back to the -only if there is real value at that moment for you. In my opinion, if its a news story then the answer is no. Why? Because if I'm really that interested, I'll surf around until I find it at no charge elsewhere. If its an episode of 'Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia' or 'Glee' that I want to see, or have the ability to download a full length movie to my Iphone-you bet I'll pay for that because its entertainment and I'm programmed to pay for entertainment. I'm not going to pay for the news when it's available 24/7 everywhere you turn.
If sites like and position and price themselves correctly, I believe you'll see not only increased usage and revenue, but more sampling of on air product as well. Print pubs are betting that if they price it more aggressively for subscribers, they will increase circulation. Only time will tell if that though process will work.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Media Bites-October 2 2009
As a parent of 3 kids under the age of 14, I've always enjoyed watching the daily struggles they all faced running a household with 8 kids. Each parent had their own style and personality and it seemed to work.
Then we hear things are not all wine and roses. Alleged affairs and struggles within the Gosselin marriage. Not unique to many families in America, but now wide open for everyone to see thanks to the beauty of reality TV (assisted of course by the media hoopla that surrounds them everywhere they went). So in an emotional and heartfelt response, Jon and Kate announced a formal separation and agreed to continue to do the show 'for the kids'. The show goes on hiatus and relaunches in August delivering over 9 million viewers.
Now all we saw and heard at the end of the summer was about Jon's partying, meeting with Lindsey Lohan's father to pitch a show and his dates with young adult women. All this from a man who has said one of the reasons for the separation was that he was uncomfortable with all of the media exposure.
The latest in what is really turning into a reality TV train wreck is a cease and desist order restraining TLC from any further filming with the kids delivered to the network by Jon Gosselin. Interesting, since according to TLC, he was directly involved in shooting only a few days prior to the legal document being filed. Why the change of heart? Could it be that the show name is being changed to 'Kate + 8'?? Will he loose out on some of the income that is being generated from the show?
Right now the focus should be on those kids that are seeing their parents relationship fall apart, in public. In my opinion, viewers will begin to retreat from the show, ratings will slip (they already are showing serious erosion) and the show will be either retooled or cancelled. Only time will tell-but lets hope TLC and the Gosselins do the right thing.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Media Bites-September 27 2009
The first cancellation of the season has already happened with Ashton Kutcher's 'Beautiful Life' getting the axe from the CW after only 1 episode.
'Glee' becomes the first full season pickup-Fox
'Vampire Diaries' gets a back 9 script order-CW
I thought it would be fun to handicap the season; the next cancellation, the network pick ups, the big surprises, and the shows that should have made it-but didn't. And just so you don't have to work TOO hard, here's a link to the new shows:
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Media Bites-September 24 2009
A recent Variety article notes that the boutique hotel is putting a much greater emphasis on music because 'the W's overall intention is to be the coolest place in town and cool places usually have cool music,' said Eva Ziegler global brand leader for the chain.
New hire Michaelangelo L'Acqua, fashion show producer and dj vet, will connect the hotel group with music centric events: performances with Wonderlust Live artists Natasha Bedingfield and Pete Yorn, tie-ins with the Golden Globes and links to the Hong Kong Film Festival.
The CD compilation that was introduced in 2002 and updated only once per year, will be tossed out and music will soon be delivered via mp3 players and ITunes.
Wouldn't it be great if the W decided to comp you a series of songs that you could download on Itunes during your stay. Or, invite guests to a VIP concert in the lobby with a chance to meet the artist. What about a brand loyalty program that offered a discount to purchase the music, the video, the event tickets as a W VIP guest?? Make it part of the culture and the vibe in NYC, London, St. Petersburg and Dubai. This group has the potential to do something really unique and unprecedented.
I think what you'll see happen is a separate charge on your bill for purchases as the travel industry does everything it can to generate additional revenue. I certainly don't fault them for that; its business, everyone needs to make money. But if the goal is to weave music into the experience and make it exciting and seamless, then lets hope they do that without an extra service charge.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
September 19 2009
Service will have no advertising and won't appear on your cable bill.
Here's how it will work: The network will broadcast movies that fit into the 'pay TV' window-the time frame weeks before a DVD release, much like HBO or Showtime does now. What makes this completely different is that it will be bundled with cable packages and if the consortium can convince enough cable providers to sign on, they will have an immediate financial advantage over premium pay TV. Additionally, users will be able to get the content online, on demand and at ( Keep in mind that there will be no direct-to-consumer services, only TV distributors including cable companies, Verizon FIOS, AT&T U-Verse and satellite services. In order for the TV viewer to take advantage of this unique network, they'll need to subscribe to both internet and cable service.
The timing of this launch couldn't be better. Case in point-Time Warner Cable has been testing TV Everywhere in select markets. This service allows you to view not only premium pay per view nets online like HBO and Showtime, but other top tier programming as well.
12-24 months from now, TV and internet as we know it will be completely different. It will be one big happy internet/TV universe-At least thats my opinion -:) But that's just me.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
September 15 2009
AMC has a real hit on their hands. Amazing cast, great writing, period costuming and culture.
Check it out. Sundays at 10PM on AMC
Monday, September 14, 2009
September 14 2009
Paying for content is another. I finally figured out why this has me so fired up; I'm not going to pay for something that doesn't have any value for me. And quite frankly, most major publications have still not shown it in paid content. However, several specialty publications like Runners World are moving to a hybrid pay model; bundling interactive tools like show reviews and marathon training with a print subscription for one price.
According to a recent survey from the American Press Institute, 51% of publishers believe they can successfully charge for content. 68% of publishers thought that if they charged for content, users would have a difficult time finding content elsewhere, 38% would limit full story access and 28% would build a micropayment system for specific article purchase. Poll was completed by 118 newspapers of various sizes in small, medium and large media markets.
I think what's happening is publishers will start limiting access to content, watch their audience shrink and lose precious advertising revenue. Find a way to bundle and bring value to the product in new and innovative ways for both consumers and advertisers. Show some creativity and value and then, guess what- you can have your cake AND eat it too -:)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
September 10 2009
Campaign for the new ABC Drama 'Flash Forward':
The show is based on a novel by Robert J. Sawyer and follows the aftermath of a global event in which everyone on the planet passes out for two minutes. During the collective blackout, everyone sees a vision of their future.
The cast includes Joseph Fiennes, Sonya Walger, John Cho, Courtney B. Vance and Christine Woods. David S. Goyer ("Batman Begins") and Brannon Braga ("24," "Star Trek: Voyager") created the show.
Ads were created in ad spaces that target a techno-geek audience; Wired, Popular Mechanics, gaming magazines and
When fanboys hold the pics up to a webcam, they'll be able to see a 3D ad for 'FlashForward'. Run your mouse over the pictures, and they'll turn into clips from the show. ABC Entertainment is calling this 'augmented reality' - would you ever spend over 10 minutes with a print ad? Didn't think so. In my humble opinion ( a phrase I've started borrowing from a friend of mine) this is what media innovation is all about. Taking what really could be considered flat and static (print ad) + making it interactive and engaging. Nice job ABC.
E! Entertainment TV Pushes Headlines Via Clear Channel Billboards:
The campaign that began on Labor Day, runs for eight weeks on 125 digital display boards in 9 top media markets. Electronic display gives the net much more flexibility and options when using this out of home media to promote feature news stories. Upload copy and artwork with the click of a mouse, no printing costs and creative change on the fly. And according to Clear Channel, the boards reach an aggregate daily circulation of 10 million. Here again is an example of taking a flat media like out of home and presenting messages on it in an exciting and attractive way.
Media really can be fun, exciting, unique and innovative. Even sexy. Just have to keep thinking beyond the traditional. At least that's what I'm all about -;)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September 2 2009

Marvel Entertainment gives Disney access to all of the super heroes we all grew up with: Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man and over 4,995 other comic book characters that have not yet been on the big or small screen. This is the perfect creative addition to an entertainment company that has not had a real mass appeal hit since 'Pirates of the Carribean' in 2003. However, this will take some time as Disney won't be able to distribute any Marvel movies until the Paramount deal ends in 2013.
All of these acquisitions are done for one reason only and that is to increase the bottom line. Disney needs to feed their real profit centers: merchandising, theme parks and TV channel. While it's certainley exciting to release a movie that will generate in excess of $200 million or more, its all about the merchandising-action figures, fast food liscensing, comic books, new rides in both US and international parks, tv show development (avails for national advertisers) and digital content.
Only time will tell if the creativity and innovation grows, or if Disney will become more like a huge conglomerate similar to P&G. I'm betting that creativity will prevail. Stay tuned. Its going to be an exciting ride -:)
Monday, August 31, 2009
August 31 2009
According to recent research data from Bloomberg, during Q2 2009, display ad revenue is down 30%, recruitment 66% and classified advertising is off 40%. No other media has suffered such a downward spiral and in my humble opinion, I just do not see it rebounding.
The world is becoming much more digital on a daily basis and try as they might, newspapers cannot compete with the speed at which other media delivers both news and entertainment. If I can log in or tune into any cable news net at any time of the day or night to find out what's going on in Washington or what celeb went out without any pants on, why would I wait for the newspaper to show up on my doorstep. Many would make the argument that newspapers deliver local, community news-true. But so do local cable systems, radio stations and digital platforms.
This will truly be a case of survival of the fittest. The print publications that innovate and quicken their transition to digital will excel. The ones that don't will be acquired.
It will be a one screen world in the next five to ten years-newspapers will be part of that world. Or they won't.
Monday, August 24, 2009
August 27, 2009
We all know the economics of why in the last several years there has been a huge increase in the amount of reality TV: It is a lot less expensive to produce than a scripted series. Broadly speaking, if the cost to produce a non-scripted cable series is $150,000 per episode x 13 in a series=$1.95million. Spot time against the show is sold on a national and local availability and in a 60 minute show, there may be up to 5 commercial pod breaks with room for 2-3 minutes worth of messaging. Lets have a little fun with the math-If a national spot in 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' sells for a conservative $10,000 (and I think I am underestimating) x 8 national avails=$80,000 in revenue from national advertisers in hour x 13 episodes=$1.04 million. And that doesn't include the local airtime or the product placement or barter to offset the cost of production expenses. And keep in mind, a non-scripted show on cable can be run over and over again, gathering more ratings and revenue.
The fact is we enjoy watching others struggle, work hard, overcome challenges, argue and make up because we think to ourselves that could be me or I wish I had the balls to do that or I give them credit because I could never get on a boat or on a stage and do that. Kudos to you.
What I cannot tolerate watching is programming that is vapid, demeaning and quite frankly a waste of air time and most recently found to be linked to violent crime. Shows like 'NYC Prep' 'I Love Money', 'Real World', 'Miami Social', 'My Antonio' ,'MY BFF' and the list goes on and on and on. And now we have the sad story of Ryan Jenkins, a contestant on "VH1's Meghan Wants a Millionaire', and his murdered girlfriend, as well as the Brazilian TV producer that hired professionals to murder and then sent a crew over to film it.
When is it enough. I'm a business owner and a capitalist and I'm all about making money but I think this really speaks volumes about our society and culture when this programming makes it on the schedule.
I remember pitching several shows to the Manager of Development at VH1 several years ago. While we were discussing shows,ratings and revenue, her comment to us was:(and I'm paraphrasing) ' we're going to ride the reality train until it comes to a stop' Maybe it has. Or should.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
August 19 2009

Isn't it great when advertising creates dialogue and discussion? Ads purchased by the Iowa Atheists & Freethinkers, feature clouds against a blue sky and say, “Don’t believe in God? You are not alone.”
The Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority removed the ads citing the word 'God' has never been allowed on buses in the past. Executives from the bus agency noted that they have had churches advertise in the past for worship and membership, but never for a belief. Eventually the ads were replaced when the transit authority realized that its rules and regulations were outdated.
So what we have here is a group or group of atheists that feel it is their right to promote their beliefs on a public transit system. Isn't this really preaching your ideas in a forum that I cannot turn off, throw away, tune out or otherwise not engage with?
However, if you are accepting ads and messages from churches, there is certainly an issue of fairness here. Perhaps the answer is to rewrite the rules and regs to note that any ads referencing 'God', 'religion', 'atheism', 'church' or 'faith' will no longer be acceptable ad copy. And that rule will apply to Christians and Atheists, Buddhists and Taoists, Jews and Mormons. The list goes on and on.
Then we can have a unique form of advertising called: propaganda
What makes all of this so interesting and controversial IS the differing viewpoints and beliefs.
Personally, I find the bus ads offensive. But that's just my opinion and I am certainly allowed to express that-as is anyone else. At the core here is the question of whether or not one group has the right to change a business model or practice based on their opinion or beliefs. This is a murky area and unless lines are drawn and companies stand firm, you will continue to see stories like this.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
August 18 2009
By the way, the Newsday is owned by Cablevision.
It is perfectly acceptable in this business to deny ad placement based on objectionable content, or disregard for a certain group of people. However, in this instance, neither one of those issues was what stopped Newsday. What prevented the paper from running the ad was that it positioned it's parent company in a very negative way. Representatives from Newsday were quoted as saying: “The Tennis Channel ads are nasty, unfair and intentionally misleading, and we don’t think anyone should carry them.”
The Tennis Channel counters that arugment by saying,“We desperately wish we weren’t in this situation. This wasn’t of our choosing. But at some point you have to look a bully in the eye and say, ‘This isn’t right.’ ”
In my opinion, this cable net has the right to fight their fight in a public forum-both for their loyal viewers and for their business model. Cablevision is censoring information because it feels the ads are 'nasty'?? It would be like NBC not accepting any ads from an organization that criticizes GE. Seriously doubt that would happen.
Ken Solomon, CEO of The Tennis Channel made a comment that resonated with me: “We figured this was just business and simply a message to let viewers know where to find us,” he said. “The newspaper industry is not doing all that well, so it’s a surprise they turned down this amount of money.”
Its a surprise to me as well.
Monday, August 17, 2009
August 17 2009

I have been waiting for this season premiere and wasn't disappointed. The first scene with Don reliving his early life, including his birth was disturbing and moving at the same time. Loved Betty's comment to Don after Sally broke his valise that she was 'taking to his tools like a little lesbian'
Must agree that of all the characters, I really enjoy watching Peggy evolve. Here is a woman that started out acting little a frightened little mouse and has now become a force to be reckoned with. If you could fast forward the agency 4o years, I think she and Joan would be running the place and taking no prisoners.
I have to admit, I didn't see the foreplay scene coming with Sal and the bellhop that came to fix the air conditioning. And the look that Don gives him when he sees him is priceless-amused, disturbed and understood all in that 30 second shot.
All is not what it seems on'Mad Men' -and that's what makes it so amazing.
And while your here, Mad Men Yourself -;) Here I am-circa 1963
Friday, August 14, 2009
August 15, 2009
Must watch
'Caprica' -SyFy
'Flashforward' -ABC
'Fringe' -FOX
'The Good Wife' -CBS
'Human Target' -FOX
'Lie To Me' -FOX
'Spartacus: Blood and Sand'-Starz
'Mad Men'-AMC
'Vampire Diaries'-CW
Not so much
'Witches of Eastwick'-ABC
'Cougar Town'-ABC
'So You Think You Can Dance'-FOX
'Accidentally on Purpose'-CBS
'The Beautiful Life'-CW
Check out the pilots here:
Sunday, August 9, 2009
August 9 2009
Interesting viewpoint. Has sort of a 'better than you' attitutude, doesn't it. It seems that Murdoch is truly believing that readers will enjoy what each property's reporters and writers have to say, that they will open their wallets to prove it. What's worse is that if other publications see that it can be done, they will follow suit and began to charge as well.
What you will begin to see is a wave of consumer protest, cancellation of any print subscriptions and an influx of Ihate(insert publication, website, TV here).com blogs and websites.
The bottom line is its all about value. Users will pay for something they feel adds something to their life that they can't get somewhere else.
Friday, August 7, 2009
August 7 2009
So now that the business model doesn't work and the company is experiencing one of the worst years ever, its time to charge consumers for reading newspaper content on line. Guess what-that concept is going to backfire. The argument here is that quality journalism is expensive. Yet, I'm still trying to get my head around paying for content on-line when there are literally thousands of other sources to turn to- other news outlets, bloggers, and Twitter feeds. The argument I often make with local media properties when pitched 'news' is by the time I see it or read it, its already 'old news'.
I think the only way to make paying for news content work, is for it to have tremendous value to the user. Offer up something they cannot get elsewhere. Deliver an integrated approach that includes a customized home page, rss reader, free print delivery, Iphone app and incentives and discounts for using multiple services. Its a business and I am all for making money-but it's a bad move for media properties to just start charging for content that was delivered up free. Its a recipe for disaster.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
August 4 2009
A recent article in TV Week from CBS Chief Research Office Dave Poltrack has a vision of media where the DVR is really a passing fad. What? No more recording of shows or restart what you've missed? Potrack sees a world where most of the viewing won't be seen on the square box in your living room, you'll be doing it via the internet and not neccessarily on your computer. Highspeed internet providers will stream the content to your big screen TV.
However, its all about revenue, so lets follow the money trail: the highspeed ISP would pay a fee to the broadcast property for any users that want to access the content, users would then view for free or pay a moderate subscription cost (similar to Itunes) to view commercial free. Great for broadcast properties as they will know have a dual revenue stream-ad dollars and funding from the internet providers.
Keep in mind, since both the ISP and the broadcaster have details on the household, this makes for a perfect addressable ad opportunity, only serving advertising messages that are appropriate for that household in that market. What a concept. No more ads for retailers or restaurants that don't exist near you. No more ads for luxury cars or Florida retirement homes. What if you take this one step further and use the technology that is currently available to find out about Miami while you're watching 'Burn Notice' or purchase diabetic equipment while viewing 'Nurse Jackie' or order up a case of Grey Goose Vodka during 'Mad Men.
The walled gardens are crumbling and media is headed this way-I am hopping on for the ride.
Monday, August 3, 2009
August 3 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
August 1 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
July 29 2009

After reading an article by Lisa Seward of Mod Communications in 'Media' I'm realizing that I'm on the the right path in this software development journey.
Ms Seward states: "Because I'm a strident promoter of creativity in advertising, it might surprise you that I genuinely embrace this development toward data-driven marketing investment decisions. But I do, absolutely. First, it allows marketing budgets to accomplish more, which is supposed to be the reason we all do this work in the first place. Second, and almost more important at a time when those budgets are under such intense scrutiny, it allows marketers to prove that marketing does indeed work. Third, I choose to believe it's possible to allow facts about what and how advertising works to enhance creativity rather than stifle it. How cool would it be to know where to focus our thinking instead of stabbing blindly all over a blank white page in search of ideas?...
In the near- to mid-term, there will be plenty of work designing and building these sophisticated databases, as well as conducting the incredible amounts of research necessary to populate them with initial data sets. As some shops have already figured out, there's also a fertile opportunity to sell any manner of communication-planning capabilities in the interim."
The media business is in a constant state of evolution and frankly, revolution. I will make certian that I am positioned to take full advantage of the changes.

Thursday, July 23, 2009
July 23 2009
Still being in business after 10 1/2 years
Checking account that isn't empty
Great kids and wife
My health
Clients that appreciate me
Radio show that I enjoy doing
Software application that I will make a reality
And more opportunities than you can shake a stick at.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
July 19 2009
Entertainment show-I'm the host, maybe with a co-host/sidekick.
Multi camera
Style: hip without being over the top
Profile TV (network & cable) and get the inside unique facts: actors insights, producers, writers, digital platform stuff, music scores and musicians
:30 minutes
Quick vignette style-cool camera angles
Digital apps for download
Web based-keep costs down
Shot in studio
Friday, July 17, 2009
July 17 2009
Truly feel like this is my calling & would like to transition this to TV. Oh yeah, its on my life list -;)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
July 11 2009
Realizing I need to have more face to face time. Social media and email is great-but people do business with people they know and like. Committing to one networking event each quarter-there, I said it. I'm sure that will propel me along with my 'life list'. Which, BTW, I do one thing daily that gets me closer to the goals.
Monday, June 29, 2009
June 29 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
June 25 2009
Keeping on the positive-really helps to have my LIFE list in front of me so that I measure everything against that. Writing plan for and meeting with three broadcast professionals so that I can overcome challenges to acquiring perishable inventory.
Great place to work is outside-except for the ants that keep crawling up my legs -;)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
June 20 2009
Pay off mortgage in 5 years
Buy a house on the beach
Celebrate anniversary in Scotland
Travel to Prague + Budapest
10,000 listener for the 'Media Man Show'
'Media Man TV Show' on Spike, VH1, web and FOX News
Write a book about the media business
Have $10,000 in checking account at all times
Contribute $3000 to IRA's
Pay off personal credit card in 24 months
No Debt
Learn to fly
Spend 3-6 months in the United Kingdom working and playing
See the Italian countryside
Thursday, June 18, 2009
June 18 2009
Also need to start a life list. Someone mentioned it to me yesterday and it really got me thinking about it.
-- Post From My iPhone
Sunday, June 7, 2009
June 7 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
June 4 2009
Additionally, I'm meeting with Amy Hart in NYC to talk about a collaboration as well and connecting with an old contact at HBO. Energy is good to keep the empire building moving -:)
Monday, June 1, 2009
June 1 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
May 29 2009
Picturing my bank account with $10,000 AFTER all bills have been paid.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
May 24 2009
-- Post From My iPhone
Friday, May 22, 2009
May 22 2009
-- Post From My iPhone
Saturday, May 16, 2009
May 16 2009
Next shows: May 28, June 4, July 9
Sunday, May 10, 2009
May 10 2009
Love learning about how to be a better host. Realizing show works much better with a sidekick or interview. Wondering if I should change the name from 'Media 24/7' to 'The Media Man'
Thursday, May 7, 2009
May 11 2009
This is where I will make a name for myself
-- Post From My iPhone
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
May 5 2009
-- Post From My iPhone
Thursday, April 30, 2009
April 30 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
April 28 2009
More show ideas-July mobile marketing with direct tv
What would a biz pay to underwrite the radio show? What's the content of the web show look like. This is my passion-I will be a well known & well paid talent/host
-- Post From My iPhone
Monday, April 27, 2009
April 27 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
April 24 2009
-- Post From My iPhone
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
April 22 2009
Not sure I want to admit this, but I would love to be known as a host/personality like Ryan Seacrest. There, said it.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
April 21
Why do I still continue to have these anxiety attacks over health? I'm dizzy-it's a stroke or ms. My chest hurts- it's a heart attack. I have a headache-it's a tumor. I need help dealing with this again. Maybe some sleep would help!
-- Post From My iPhone
Monday, April 20, 2009
April 20 2009
-- Post From My iPhone
Friday, April 17, 2009
April 17 2009
Now the universe will provide me with the strength and drive I need today!
-- Post From My iPhone
Thursday, April 16, 2009
April 16 2009
-- Post From My iPhone
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
April 15 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
April 13 2009

Really like attention and the desire to be wanted and needed. Have to keep focus on some primary goals:
To be a radio/TV personality
To build a software application
To generate $1.75MM in revenue
Having pics like this keeps reminding me that I look damn good for a 44 yr old man and that hard work does really pay off-so use that with the goals.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
April 8 2009

Positive feedback from the April 8 Media 24/7 show. I think I finally found my calling as a 'personality'. I can see myself building this media empire with radio, TV, web as the voice of media. Never thought along those lines, but now I am. Couple that with the media planning software and we will all be billionaires!
Don't have to be filthy rich. Just enough to pay debt down, get into a new house ( and maybe a vacation house on the beach somewhere) money for kids education and decent clothing. If I'm playing with the numbers, goal would be to generate $1.75 million in revenue in order to make $150,000. Not unreasonable.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
March 25 2009
Got some good ideas for the next radio show and I'm really looking forward to the April 2 show.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
March 10 2009
I am the Media Man. I love it. I'm good at it and can make quite a good living at it, coupled with the development of EZMedia (monkeymedia??) which will then allow me to work on Layover, One More Line , Dreamcatchers and Bug Boy. Enough with pouring all of my energy into OTHERS dreams...this is about ME!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
March 7 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
March 3 2009
Layover-I think it still has some legs. Could I make it webisodes?Goal: Plan by Mar 31
Bug Boy-there is real potential with that. First step-A concept to work from. Goal: Idea by Mar 15
Dreamcatchers-Another animation project for TV. Need to reread and give suggestions to Annie.
Past Life Regression Docu-reality: Write out concept Goal: Mar 15
Sunday, March 1, 2009
March 1 2009
This is where I'll post frustrations, hopes, dreams, aggravations, etc..
Starting with the ongoing anxiety about my health. Monday I'll be having a cardiac stress test. Don't think its my heart that has been giving me the chest, back and arm pain-but if that's not it, then WHAT is it?? Feels like a nerve and muscle is being pinched + compressed...
Starting to feel like I'm coming out of this mode of working hard and making no money. Should I have a business plan or model?? Have to say YES yet I never seem to have the time to do it.