Isn't it great when advertising creates dialogue and discussion? Ads purchased by the Iowa Atheists & Freethinkers, feature clouds against a blue sky and say, “Don’t believe in God? You are not alone.”
The Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority removed the ads citing the word 'God' has never been allowed on buses in the past. Executives from the bus agency noted that they have had churches advertise in the past for worship and membership, but never for a belief. Eventually the ads were replaced when the transit authority realized that its rules and regulations were outdated.
So what we have here is a group or group of atheists that feel it is their right to promote their beliefs on a public transit system. Isn't this really preaching your ideas in a forum that I cannot turn off, throw away, tune out or otherwise not engage with?
However, if you are accepting ads and messages from churches, there is certainly an issue of fairness here. Perhaps the answer is to rewrite the rules and regs to note that any ads referencing 'God', 'religion', 'atheism', 'church' or 'faith' will no longer be acceptable ad copy. And that rule will apply to Christians and Atheists, Buddhists and Taoists, Jews and Mormons. The list goes on and on.
Then we can have a unique form of advertising called: propaganda
What makes all of this so interesting and controversial IS the differing viewpoints and beliefs.
Personally, I find the bus ads offensive. But that's just my opinion and I am certainly allowed to express that-as is anyone else. At the core here is the question of whether or not one group has the right to change a business model or practice based on their opinion or beliefs. This is a murky area and unless lines are drawn and companies stand firm, you will continue to see stories like this.
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