Viewers tend to gravitate to sites like and that have limited commercial interruption. What I think is more palatable there is that you can decide how you want the advertising delivered while viewing. Additionally, these services will actually give you 'your show will return in 30 seconds' message. In order for the Nielsen research model to work, the same commercial load must air in both places. Can you imagine trying to watch the most recent episode of 'Flash Forward' and having to sit through an endless array of auto ads and wireless services messages? Why not just TiVo or DVR the show and push through all of the advertising?
Now instead of the consumer controlling the content and consumption, the media will control both-again.
I'm already paying cable fees to watch on air. Not really interested in paying again to see the same show with the same commercial load. Let me pay one monthly price and watch on my laptop while sitting in an airport, on my clear and crisp Apple LED cinema monitor, in my house on the TV or on my Iphone-here's my credit card. I want to control the when, where and how I am entertained or informed and for that, I'm willing to pay.