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Friday, October 2, 2009

Media Bites-October 2 2009

The Jon and Kate + 8 saga takes an odd turn
As a parent of 3 kids under the age of 14, I've always enjoyed watching the daily struggles they all faced running a household with 8 kids. Each parent had their own style and personality and it seemed to work.

Then we hear things are not all wine and roses. Alleged affairs and struggles within the Gosselin marriage. Not unique to many families in America, but now wide open for everyone to see thanks to the beauty of reality TV (assisted of course by the media hoopla that surrounds them everywhere they went). So in an emotional and heartfelt response, Jon and Kate announced a formal separation and agreed to continue to do the show 'for the kids'. The show goes on hiatus and relaunches in August delivering over 9 million viewers.

Now all we saw and heard at the end of the summer was about Jon's partying, meeting with Lindsey Lohan's father to pitch a show and his dates with young adult women. All this from a man who has said one of the reasons for the separation was that he was uncomfortable with all of the media exposure.

The latest in what is really turning into a reality TV train wreck is a cease and desist order restraining TLC from any further filming with the kids delivered to the network by Jon Gosselin. Interesting, since according to TLC, he was directly involved in shooting only a few days prior to the legal document being filed. Why the change of heart? Could it be that the show name is being changed to 'Kate + 8'?? Will he loose out on some of the income that is being generated from the show?

Right now the focus should be on those kids that are seeing their parents relationship fall apart, in public. In my opinion, viewers will begin to retreat from the show, ratings will slip (they already are showing serious erosion) and the show will be either retooled or cancelled. Only time will tell-but lets hope TLC and the Gosselins do the right thing.

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